google doodle baseball unblocked

What is Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked?

Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked is a fun and interactive online game that was released by Google in 2011. The game was created to celebrate the opening day of Major League Baseball and is a great way to pass the time while waiting for the season to start.
The game is simple to play and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. The game features a baseball diamond with a pitcher, batter, and fielders. The goal of the game is to hit the ball as far as possible and score as many runs as you can before you get three outs.

How to Play Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked?

To play Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked, simply go to the Google homepage and click on the baseball doodle. The game will load and you can start playing immediately.
To hit the ball, use your mouse to move the bat and click when the ball is in the strike zone. The ball will be pitched at various speeds and locations, so be prepared to adjust your swing accordingly.
Once you hit the ball, use your mouse to control the runner and try to score as many runs as possible. The game is over when you get three outs.

Is Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked Free to Play?

Yes, Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked is completely free to play. All you need is an internet connection and a device that can access the internet.


Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked is a fun and interactive way to play baseball online. The game is easy to play and can be accessed by anyone with an internet connection. So, if you're looking for a fun way to pass the time, give Google Doodle Baseball Unblocked a try.